The Rise, Near Fall, And Rise – The WWF in the 90s – 1991

The start of a new decade saw the WWF attempt to move on from Hulkamania, the driving force that had largely made the WWF the undisputed leader in “sports entertainment.” As explained in part one of our on-going series, the first whisperings that ‘The Hulkster’ may be moving on to pursue other endeavours caused Vince McMahon to move up another […]

Road Warriors Profile

Hawk Born: January 26, 1957 (Michael Hegstrand) | Died: October 19, 2003 Billed Hometown: Chicago, IL | Billed Weight: 270 lbs Animal Born: September 12, 1960 (Joe Laurinaitis) | Died: September 22, 2020Billed Hometown: Chicago, IL | Billed Weight: 305 lbs Michael Hegstrand (Hawk) and Joe Laurinaitis (Animal) were childhood friends with a passion for weight-lifting. They became bouncers at […]